"BUDDHA POORNIMA: May 23-24 Buddha Poornima will
be celebrated with a function, probably to be held in Whitefield, on
May 23 and May 24. The Sri Sathya Sai Organization of Sri Lanka will
be the host country and all are invited to attend, especially the
Buddhist devotees throughout the world. At this time we are
expecting several distinguished speakers to address the gathering.
There will be suitable religious ceremonies as well as relevant
cultural events. Most importantly, we will pray that Bhagavan Baba
will give us the pearls of His Divine Discourse on this very
important occasion."
Michael Goldstein Chairman, Prasanthi Council
Source:Dr. Goldstein's email on Swami's 80th Birthday Programs

Buddha poornima wallpaper Buddha & Sai Baba

Buddhist devotees for countries like Sri Lanka, Japan and Myanmar assemble at Brindavan to celebrate the Buddha Poornima, the Birth Day of Gautam Buddha who founded Buddhism. Bhagawan, in His Divine Message, explains Lord Buddha's teachings on Right Conduct, i.e., Right vision, Right Hearing, Right Thoughts and Right Actions. He also narrates incidents from Buddha's life, elaborates the inner meaning of the Buddhist prayer "Buddham Charanam Gachchami" and emphasises the importance of Non-violence or Ahimsa. Buddha Poornima usually falls in the Second Week of May. This year it is 23 -05-2005

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