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Recipe for A Happy & Blissful Life

Begin by offering a sincere and loving prayer to Baba....asking for
His divine help and blessings before we commence.
Take 3 whole months clean them thoroughly of all bitterness,
gossip, greed, hate and jealousy. In other words make them
as clean as possible.
Now cut each month into 28, 30 or 31 different parts. Do not
make up the whole batch at once ..instead prepare it just
'One Day at a Time.
Each day mix well:
One part of Faith,
One of Patience,
One of Courage and
One of Work.
Then add one part each of:
Generosity and
Then Blend that with:
One part Prayer,
One part Meditation and
One part Service.
Season the whole dish with:
a dash of Good Spirit,
a sprinkle of Fun,
a pinch of Play and
a cupful of Laughter.
Then....continually chanting the name of SAI.
Pour all of this into a Vessel of Love,
Cook thoroughly over Radiant Joy
Then garnish with Smiles
Serve with Humility & Gratitude
And then we can enjoy....a Happy & Blissful Life!



Submitted to SBOI group by Madhvi Sai

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