

Lesson from a fish


 - We gratefully acknowledge the writer Aravind B

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A small story....

Once upon a time, there lived many fishes in a pond. Everyday, they would wake up in the morning with a dread - the fisherman’s net! The fisherman would be there every morning, without fail to cast his net. And without fail every morning, many fishes would get caught in it. Some would be taken by surprise, some caught napping, some would not find any place to hide while some others, even though aware of the lurking danger, would simply find no means to escape the deadly net.

Among the fishes was one young fish that was always cheerful. It had no fear of the fisherman’s net and it seemed to have mastered the art of being alive and staying lively. All the senior fishes wondered as to what might be the secret of this little fish. How could it manage so well when their cumulative experience and wisdom were not enough to save them from the net. Unable to bear their curiosity and desperate to find a way to escape the net, all the fishes went to this little fish one evening.

“Hey little one! We have all come here to talk to you.”

“Me!?” said the little fish, “What do you want to speak to me about?”

“We actually want to ask you something. Tomorrow morning, the fisherman will be back again. Are you not scared of getting caught in his net?”

“The little fish smiled, “No! I will not be caught in his net ever!”

“Share with us little one, the secret behind your confidence and success”, the elders pleaded.

“Very simple”, said the little fish. “When the fisherman comes to cast his net, I rush and stay at his feet. That is one place that the net can never reach, even if the fisherman wants to cast! So, I never get caught.”

All the fishes simply marvelled at the simplicity of the little fish’s wisdom.

When the Supreme Lord or the Avatar makes a descent into this ocean of worldly existence, the only way to escape the Mayajaal or the net of Maya or illusion that He casts is to take refuge at His lotus Feet.

Was not the first bhajan that Swami sang, "Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam"?

Swimming close to the feet of the Master keeps one safe from the net of Maya or delusion.
Swimming close to the feet of the Master keeps one safe from the net of Maya or delusion.

What it means to be close to the Master's feet...

In a talk to the students, Swami made it crystal clear as to what it means to be at the feet of the Lord or Guru.

It was the year 2003 . All the students who had stayed back with Swami during the summer vacations, were in Brindavan, Whitefield, Swami’s ashram in Bangalore. Swami called all the students into His residence for the famous  Trayee Session.As He sat on the lovely ornate jhoola, Swami decided to speak to the boys on the nine fold path of Devotion, the Navavidha Bhakti Marga.

He dilated in length on Shravanam IListening), Keertanam (Singing) and Vishnusmaranam (Remembrance) before arriving to Padasevanam (Worshiping the feet). It was here that Swami gave a unique interpretation - an interpretation that made one’s hairs stand on their ends with its meaning and significance. Swami said that people often thought Padasevanam meant service to the Guru’s feet. And that was the reason why everyone felt it was the easiest route if only Swami allows them to press and massage His feet. But that was not the actual meaning. Swami said that Padasevanam means to walk in the footsteps of Guru. To walk the path that the Guru walks is true service to His feet. And following the Master, is the first step to completing the game of life successfully.


Source: http://aravindb1982.hubpages.com/hub/Who-is-Sathya-Sai-Baba






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-Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam

- Lesson from a fish

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- Diwali at Prasanthi Nilayam - Memories and reminiscences



Text & photo source - copyrights: Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust - sssbpt.org  - Radiosai.org  Prasanthi Diary -  Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation - h2hsai.org .  | Web layout - Photo graphic design : saibabaofindia.com  "SBOI" | - We gratefully acknowledge the publishers Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust &  Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation