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These are the questions put to Prof. Anil Kumar and answered by him.

Last Update: 29.03.2006
Note: This Audio & Text has the copyright of the author - Prof. ANIL KUMAR . It is "reproduced" on this website only for the purpose of (seva) service so that Sai Baba devotees  can download  AUDIO  Of Prof. ANIL KUMAR SATSANG Sunday Satsang at  Prashanti Nilayam.

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  • Anil Kumar's Sunday Satsang Text 1999 -2005: »»
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These are the questions put to Prof. Anil Kumar and answered by him.


It seems in one of the discourses, Swami said, “You are only a puppet.” Are we puppets? How can we be puppets? It has disturbed our minds. Why? Why should we be puppets?  (311005)


228 I am well-educated and learned, with good cognisance of spiritual precepts and Baba’s teachings. I know myself as a part and parcel of God for sure, without a doubt. I know that Swami and I are one. And I have all the correct knowledge and mastery over desire. Still I don’t have money, I don’t have a job, (Laughter) and no shelter. What am I to do? I know that I am God, but have no job. I know I am God, but have no shelter to live in.  (311005)


227 If all are the same, why must we serve? Whom must we serve?   (311005)


226 How do I get connected with Bhagavan? I am studying in a very good college. But I am missing the link with Bhagavan. How do I get connected with Bhagavan?  (311005)


225 Today I accept things. But how do I accept unpleasant things with joy?  (311005)



I beg of you to explain terms like Love, Faith, Trust, Belief, and Sincerity.  (311005)


223 I want to know if Swami ever said something specific about Jehovah or Jehovah’s Witnesses.  (311005)


222 What is the goal of human life?  (311005)


221 I am a 19 year old boy. I am not serious about life. How can I develop seriousness? (311005)


220 At Prashanti Nilayam, when people gather for darshan, almost all blocks are reserved, either for VIPs, students, ex-students, special foreigners, old people, etc., and hardly one block is left for the general public. People coming from far off places, with so many difficulties, hardly even get to see Swami properly. Is it not unfair to reserve these blocks always for VIP people, students etc., who also get easy darshan, sparshan, and sambharshan on a regular basis? (311005)



Why does Swami always give preference to boys only, and not girls? Are girls and women not as devoted as boys?  (311005)


218  The next question is with respect to translations available all over the world. This brother feels that there is a deviation from the original thought. (310705)


217 “Didn’t Lord Krishna cheat everybody in Mahabharata?” (310705)


216 “What are your views about astral travel?”(310705)





“I am very much worried about scandals and conspiracies about Swami.” (310705)


213 We want to construct a Sai school in the western countries. Should the building be constructed facing towards east or west?”(310705)


212 I could not participate in yagna because of some inconveniences. What shall I do?” (310705)


211 “In my profession I have to commit some sins. What shall I do?”(310705)


210 “I am not fit for service physically, but I feel that Swami is telling me that service and Namasmarana should go together. So what path should I follow?”(310705)



“My inner conscience tells me that it is time for me to let go of all worldly matters and settle at His Lotus Feet.” And he goes on to say, “My conscience is asking me to leave everything behind….. I am forty years old with a family.” (310705)




207 Some members of our centre believe that we should recite the ‘Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu’ only after doing Arathi. Is that the right way for this mantra? (240705)




205  Can I sing a Ganesha song twice during bhajanS?(240705)



204 How do you explain the presence of god to a child, in simple words? (240705)


203  Why are dress codes different for men and women? (240705)


202 If things happen as per karma, why should we pray? (240705)




200 “When contemplating on Sai, which instantly leads one to enjoy and feel Sai’s Love, I find myself very sad as I feel trapped and chained by the very world I have created around me.” (240705)



What is Swami’s advice to a daughter-in law? (240705)


198 what is the spiritual significance and purpose of marriage? (240705)


197 What is the proper method to turn the mind inward? (240705)


196 Without mind, how can I know wisdom? (100405)


195  What is wisdom (jnana)?(100405)





193 “A member of Sai organisation/a devotee, can he/she attend the discourses given by any other spiritual guru organised by Indian communities in our country?” (20.03.05)


192 Then the next question is this: I have a doubt in my mind, involving the control of the mind. What is the best way to control it? (20.03.05)


191 Does Swami allow marriages between Westerners and Indians? (20.03.05)


190 What does Baba say about yagna? (130305)
189 How does one fully concentrate on Swami in order to become a true devotee? (130305)


188 What is liberation is like? (130305)


187 What is wrong if you are reborn time and again? (130305)


186 May I incorporate Sai teachings and also practice kriya yoga, or do these conflict?  (130305)



I attend the Sai centre regularly and follow Swami’s teachings, but one weakness I have is that I lack interest in my studies. Please give me some tips on how to love my studies.  (130305)


Regarding Pathala Bhubaneswar, another devotee told me, “That place was used by Jesus. It is a place where Bhagavan intends to build an ashram.” Can you please provide me with confirmation and information about this? (130305)


183 Swami sometimes says that He is only a witness, that He is not responsible for our actions. On other occasions, He also says that nothing happens unless He wills it. Can you please explain this a little further? (130305)


182 We have two Avatars. Can you explain how two Avatars can exist at the same time? (130305)


181 Can you please advise me if it is okay to continue my practice of pranayama, the breathing exercise? I attended your talk (she means my talk here) and you said that pranayama breathing exercises are dangerous. Shall I continue with these exercises? (130305)



How doe one live life, knowing that one is living in an illusion? How do we live in this world, knowing that it is all an illusion? (130305)


Though I am not registered with any centre, can I become a certified Bal Vikas teacher?  And please tell me how to be extra patient and loving. (130305)


178 What happens to the good souls after death? (130305)



If everything happens due to God’s will, then whatever one does is not one’s own fault because God has already determined it. So how can one be responsible for one’s own karma? (130305)


176  Many of our brothers and sisters extol the virtues of Indian music because Indian music has become cool. I know Swami says very often that the Indian and Vedic traditions of music are very spiritual in their essence. Does He say anything about the inner power and meaning of western and classical non-Indian music and its traditions? (130305)


175 How can I avoid evil spirits?(130305)

What is it that gets in the way of knowing the Truth? Why don’t I see the light of Truth? Why don’t I see the flame of Truth? What is it that is keeping me in the darkness of untruth? Why don’t I see the light of Truth? (130305)

173  Did Buddha refer to the Creator at any time? (22.08.04)


 172 There are certain great important composers, eminent devotees like Jayadeva and Annamacharya, right? These composers have brought in certain sensual subjects. What does Swami say about it?  We do not find the boys or anybody here singing those songs that relate to sensual subjects. (22.08.04)


171  Should we read ONLY SAI literature? (22.08.04)
 170 What is Amrita ?(22.08.04)


169  Is a dream with Swami a perfect interview? And must we take all instances from Him as though it is exactly happening? (22.08.04)


168 If Swami knows everything about us, why did He ask you yesterday, during His Divine discourse, about the name of the boy standing there? (22.08.04)


167 What do you say about India as the spiritual heart of mankind? (22.08.04)



My son is not spiritual in the way I want him to be. My grandson doesn’t behave in the way I want him to behave. I want to correct my grandchild, but my son will not permit me. I want to correct my granddaughter, but my daughter will not permit me.  What can I do? (08.08.04)

165 - If we ask Swami wholeheartedly, can He liberate us from all of our bad past karma? (06.08.04)


164  Why is Swami healing so many people, but our own love cannot heal His ailments? It makes people suffer.


163  I feel everybody should have at least one experience with Swami, to know He is God and to have faith in Him. Initially, when someone told me He is Shirdi Sai, how could I believe Him? There are so many God men in India who are claiming they are Shirdi Sai, etc. etc. How do we rule out the fake ones? How do we keep Swami above all these God men? (01.08.04)


162 Swami says, "I pass on My energy to you during darshan." Can’t we draw Swami’s energy doing bhajan alone at home? Millions of devotees are not able to come to Parthi to physically draw this energy. Please advise me. Is there a difference between being at Parthi or at home, filled with thoughts of Swami and prayers? I wish to make my home a temple so that I don’t miss Swami at any point of time. (01.08.04)


161 I always look upon Swami as my spiritual guide and Divine friend. However, my personal experience with Swami has been limited. He has been compassionate during the one or two physical encounters I have had with Him. My question is this: Krishna was a physical and spiritual friend to Arjuna. Why is it that God now chooses indirect communion with His friend? This has been the biggest test of our true friendship.   (01.08.04)

Swami says, “Love all, serve all”. In family life, it is not possible to love all and serve all, especially, when people around are jealous and political. (Oho!) So, should we distance ourselves from such family members or still continue to mingle with them?



We are drowned by confusion. Please enlighten me by clarifying the following queries: How do we seek approval from Swami for our day-to-day decisions? People who are physically close to Swami get their questions answered there and then. (01.08.04)


158 When somebody curses out of anger or frustration, does it affect us, though we did not commit any sin? (01.08.04)


 157  Is it proper for a mother to curse her own children just to vent her anger and ego? (01.08.04)


 156 I openly disagree with what Meerabai did. (Oh!) She left her husband for God. Why did she marry then? Is she not violating the duty of a wife or a householder? (01.08.04)
155 If every woman acted as Meerabai did, the family would be in utter chaos!  (01.08.04)


153-154  The gopikas also did something similar. They were so immersed in Krishna, that they had no time for their families. (01.08.04)


152  Characters like Meera and the gopikas are misleading. (01.08.04)


151  When we fall sick off and on, should we really go to the doctor every time? Is it not okay to take vibhuti in water and chant Swami’s Name, however big or small the ailment might be? (01.08.04)



Every time I try to do some seva or join in some good deeds, there are always obstacles that prevent me from doing so. How can you explain this? (01.08.04)

149  “Why is there an increase in population?” (070304)


 148 “When Swami asked me, ‘what do you want?’ I expressed the wish to dance the Cosmic Dance with Him, thinking of Divine music and the joy of Divine rhythm. Above all, the Divine Dance is bliss, unison with Lord Shiva.”(070304)


 147 “Did Baba say anything about the heavenly Ganga and the four Vedas?”(070304)


 146 “I work in the Indian Navy. During an interview, Bhagavan told me not to think negatively. He also gave as an example about the construction of the building where we see the walls being built and the roof being laid. Please explain this analogy.” (070304)



Is there a realised soul?

144 ”We cannot forget and forgive everybody so easily because we are human beings. But Swami says to forget and forgive. Swami can smile in all situations. We cannot. Can you show the right way towards life, or should we say a spiritual life? How to smile in all situations?”


143   “Will Baba show the whole world that He is God in this body, or in the coming body, that of Prema Sai?”


142  “Whatever happened to me was for my own good. I killed a person for a minor provocation. Is that also for my own good?”


141 “It seems that the state president issued a list of ninety bhajans with a directive that no other bhajans be allowed to be sung in the bhajans mandali. The list does not contain the old and new bhajans sung in Prasanthi Nilayam. What shall we do?”


140  ”Will Baba transfer His powers to somebody?”
139 Will Baba show the whole world that He is God in His present body, or in the body of Prema Sai? Will Baba show that He is God now? Or, will He show this as Prema Sai, the next Incarnation?


138 “Baba says that He does not transfer His power to anybody. In a few places, we find vibhuthi manifested and some people who are able to materialise vibhuthi and the lingam, etc. Is this not a transfer of power?”


137  “How does one settle in Prashanti Nilayam?”


136  “How does one get Swami’s Grace?”



“Sathya Sai Baba produced three Atma-Lingams as part of Lingodbhava on Friday, February 18th. What did He do with the Lingams? Did He use them for something? Did He create them for somebody or for the world?”

134  What does He do with the lingams?


133 “What about merging with Brahman at the end of all creation and returning in the next creation in another human form?”


132-A  “Once we merge with God, is it forever? Will it mean that we won’t ever take any form again, even if God wills it?”


 132-B How many sons did Shiva have?


 131 “Who is the next Avatar?”
130 “The Sai organisation is seen as a sect because of Hinduistic influence. Does Swami want to comment on this?”


129 “Why can’t we sing Sanskrit songs? Why sing some other songs? The world council has sent a circular that we should sing in our own language.”


128 “In this time, what is the most healing music for the western over-stressed and disturbed mind? Could singing a mantra or reciting one be more beneficial?


127 “Why has Swami recently begun Vedic chanting? Is there a particular reason why this is done at this particular time? Music can have a great pacifying influence on people.”


126  “If death is the dress of life, which means we should not be afraid of death, then what do we do with the Mahamrutyunjaya mantra? Should we chant it or not?”
 125 “There are 120 members in a samithi and they want to organise into two groups. In one group, there are devotees with instruments, capable of singing. In the other group, they are not that talented. What should we do?”


124 “Why does Swami stare at His devotees during car darshan? It happened to me twice.”



“Sir, we all agree that all human beings, irrespective of cast and creed, are in search of the so-called unknown in the physical world, which is peace or universal Love, or Self- realisation. We also agree that Swami has incarnated in the world for this very purpose, to help or lead of us on the path so that we can reach the destination. Now, sir, you are in the proximity of the physical form of the Avatar, and also on constant physical talking terms, more than anybody else in the world. Do you feel that you have come to the end of the search, or feel that you have accomplished the task of this life, or do you feel fulfilment can be attained in the near future? What exactly is your inner feeling? Sorry, sir, for asking a personal question, but this is out of curiosity.  (Laughter)


122 - What does Baba say about Vastu? Vastu Sastra is a special science that speaks of the engineering constructions, where such a building has to be constructed in the north or something like that.”


121 The thought for the day of the 18th September, 2003 revealed: “Man has been given a hundred years of life and plenty of work to fill the years with, but you fritter the time with playful games, founding and fostering a family.”  What does Baba mean, ‘We fritter the time in founding and fostering a family?’ Is there something wrong in founding and fostering a family? 
 120 I am a devotee of Swami and have been for the past four years.  Does Swami know about me?  Does He know of my love and devotion for Him? 


119 How can we transmute our energy in the chakras? (140903)


118 What is Swami's opinion about Jyothisha? Horoscopes? (140903)


117 “Why should one desire liberation when he has no idea of it?” (030803)



“When I have to suffer my own karma, what sort of help does Baba extend?”  (030803)

 115 “I am from Lebanon and I am a Jordanian Christian. My people accept all that is related to Christianity, but not Baba. What should I do?”  (030803)
114 “Would you please explain a little bit more about the three R's - reaction, reflection, resound?”  (030803)


113 “What is the difference between surrender and merger?”


112 “In a family, how is it that one or two are devotees, while the rest are not Sai devotees? Why?”  (030803)
111 “Swami repeatedly says, ‘My life is My message.’ Could you please share your thoughts on its basis for the benefit of the devotees in the Bay Area?” )  (030803)
110 “Is there anything wrong in praying to Swami for our wants, for our needs?”  (030803)
109 “I am suffering. How is it that Bhagavan is not able to respond to my prayers?


108 “What are your views on dreams?”   (030803)


107 “We women, whom should we follow? Should it be Sita, the wife of Rama, who accompanied her husband into exile, or should it be Urmila, the wife of a brother of Rama, who remained at home?”  (030803)


106 “What is surrender?”  (030803)
105 “How to earn His grace?”  (030803)


104 “I am not satisfied with my spiritual progress. Why? How to be satisfied?”  (030803)


103 “What explanation would you give to a person who does not believe in past life, and who is as good as one can be, in regard to the pain and suffering he goes through?”  (030803)


102 “How do you distinguish between the true inner voice and the mind's whisper?”  (030803)



“What is good company and what is bad company? Can't we change the bad into good?”  (030803)

100 “All good people suffer - why?”   (030803)


99 “Explain harmony in thought, word and deed in terms of its inner meaning.”   (030803)


98 “How is the spiritual heart connected with the mind in the body, in terms of feeling, thinking and action? How do I connect them for a better life?”  (030803)


97  “I really do not know why I start crying while singing bhajans. Can you please tell me why this is happening?”  (030803)



 “Please say a few words on Ahimsa, non-violence.”  (030803)

95 “How do we remove bad thoughts?”  (030803)


 94 One boy asked me, “Sir, how do you know that there is ego?”   (030803)


93 When Swami suddenly talks to a boy, a student, well, he will think he is very special.   (030803)


92 “How do I get over my anger? What does Swami say about this? How to overcome my ego?”  (030803)


91  “Explain Mukthi (liberation), Moksha (heaven ), Nirvana (liberation) briefly.  (030803)
90 “What is the Divine Message of Bhagavan? Convey it in one sentence.”  (030803)


89 “Although we know God is Omnipresent and we feel that we are sincere devotees, we are still disappointed if vibuthi does not materialize on our altars, or if we are not granted interviews. Does this mean that we have not done enough sadhana or spiritual practice to receive God's Grace?” (030803)


88 “Sometimes my faith wavers. How can I make it steady? What should I do to make it firm?” A genuine question indeed!   (030803)


  87   “How do you develop, protect and improve faith?” (270703)


86 “Particularly in America, how do we, as Sai devotees, find the right balance between worldly success and spiritual growth towards Swami's Lotus Feet?” (270703)
 85 “If anyone criticises me, I feel badly. I have not gotten beyond that feeling. What do I do? How do I take the criticism? I have still have a reaction. What am I to do?” (270703)


84 “God says to do good to all. Where do I draw a line, say, if I have done the best of my ability, and yet another man hurts me?” (270703)


83 “In the midst of busy work, how do I link myself with God? Some people have to drive hours and hours to reach their work spot. At the end of the workday, they return completely tired after driving more hours. In this busy life, how am I to establish a link with God?” (270703)


 82 “Is it necessary that one should face dissatisfaction to be spiritual? I am OK with the world. So, why pursue God then? I am fine in this world.” This is a question from a young adult. (270703)


 81 “When there is no co-operation within the family, can we still attain liberation?” (270703)
80 “Are Comparison And Competition To Be Avoided?” (270703)


79 “After being here (this question was asked by an Indian in the USA), we face ‘culture shock’. What does Baba want us to do about culture shock?” So, for your shock, He has to suggest something! (Laughter) (270703)


78 “What has Swami said about the war between America and Iraq, and the present conflict between America and the Middle East countries?” (270703)


77 “When parents and their son are discussing a particular issue, but see it from different perspectives, whom will Swami oblige?” (270703)


76  “What advice does Swami give to couples when the wife and the husband disagree?” (270703)
75 “How can a wife develop self-confidence if she has to be submissive to her husband?” (270703)


74 “Speakers always tell us about their interviews and how badly they feel if Swami ignores them in one darshan. Most of us have had no personal interviews. Swami tells us not to seek interviews, but inner-views, so why do most of the speakers at the retreats tell us about interviews, but not about inner-views?” (20.07.03)


73 “Is it not the bounded duty of the Sai Organization to actively and resolutely campaign against people who use the name of Sai and indulge in methods of treatment like vibhuthi and run temples by collecting money?” (20.07.03)


 72 “We are in the process of opening a new business. We would like to have the Sarva Dharma emblem prominently displayed at the entrance of our store with Baba’s quotation. Is it OK?” (20.07.03)


71 “Since we live in America, does Bhagavan want us to sing English bhajans?“ (20.07.03)
70 “I am new to the Sai Organization. As my husband is a devotee since childhood, I follow Sai. I like the good work of the Sai Organization. But I am not able to accept Swami as God, like Rama and Krishna. How do you accept Him as God?” (20.07.03)


69 “What is a typical day and what are the challenges you face, being so close to God?” (20.07.03)


68 “What does it mean when Baba stands in front of you during darshan, waves His hands and looks into your eyes, blesses you and walks away without saying anything?” (20.07.03)


67 “How do we pray to Swami when we are in difficulty and our life disturbs our balance?” (20.07.03)


66 “Does Swami get upset, angry? Is He emotional?” (20.07.03)
65 “Does Baba speak all languages?” (20.07.03)


64   “People say, ‘Give up the ego.’ Tell us in simple terms how to drop ego?”(20.07.03)


 63 “Iron kept near the magnet acquires all the magnetic power of the magnet. You live in close proximity to Bhagavan. Have you acquired magnetic power too?”(20.07.03)


62 “It is really a different experience to be in physical proximity. How would you handle or lead your life if you were not in the physical proximity of Bhagavan?”(20.07.03)


61.  “As members of the Sai family, how can we get in touch with you, from wherever we are?” (20.07.03)
60. The next question was a request for me to share my experiences about leading a detached life, yet attached to Swami. The questioner expected an authentic answer from me, and was already under the impression that I was an example to emulate. (20.07.03)


59.  Who helped Swami with the translation while I was away here in the US?


58. “How did you become the translator for Baba?” (20.07.03)


57. “Why was Rama commanded to spend 14 years in exile?” (09.02.2003)


56. It seems Swami said another prayer: “Annam Brahmaa, Raso Vishnu, Bhoktho Devo Maheswara.” The question is this: Shall I say “Brahmaarpanam Brahmahavihi” before eating food, or shall I say, “Annam Brahmaa, Raso Vishnu, Bhoktho Devo Maheswara” -- this prayer or that prayer? (09.02.2003)
55. “Why doesn’t Bhagavan cure Himself?” (02.02.2003)


54. “How do we know that we are realised?" (02.02.2003)


53. “When He separated Himself from Himself into many, was there any reduction in bliss? Was His bliss reduced? Is His bliss now divided, separated? Does He experience less bliss?” (02.02.2003)


52.  “Before He took a body, was Bhagavan aware of bliss and Love to the same extent that He is now?” (02.02.2003)


51. “Does spiritual evolution continue after death? (19.01.2003)
50. “We have very little time to work in the organisation. Baba, with all His compassion, is accelerating everybody’s karma. Please clarify.” (19.01.2003)


49. “There are many people who claim that they are the reincarnation of Jesus.” (Laughter) “Shall we follow him?” (19.01.2003)


48. “How do you view depression in a civilised world?” (19.01.2003)


47. “How do we deal with rebirth or reincarnation? How does it reconcile with Adwaitha? What exactly is rebirth, if only God exists?” (19.01.2003)


46. “How should youngsters behave, particularly when they are overwhelmed by images and news? How should they behave?” (19.01.2003)
45. “How can you pray with absolute faith when you have to sacrifice? Abraham had to sacrifice his son. Abraham had to kill his son, as per the command of God. Abraham was called by God and commanded to sacrifice his son. When I have such a costly sacrifice, how can I pray to God?” (12.01.2003)


44. “What do you mean by transformation? Does it mean controlling the senses or eliminating the ego? When there is Reality inside, what do you mean by transformation?”  (12.01.2003)


43. “God is goodness. God is full of values, while man in contrast has no values. Man is brutal. He’s horrible. He’s crazy. What shall I do now?”  (12.01.2003)


42. “Bhagavan Buddha left his family. But wasn’t it His duty to take care of His family? Is it justifiable that He left his child and wife like that?” (12.01.2003)


41. “What does Bhagavan say about telepathy? Some people are gifted with telepath. What does Bhagavan say?”  (12.01.2003)
40. “As the day in the Kali Yuga is 24 hours, what was the duration of the day in the Dwapara Yuga, or even before in the Thretha Yuga?” (05.01.2003)


39. “Is there any evidence of life on any other planet?” (05.01.2003)


38. “Why does God come so infrequently? Why only every 500 years or 1000 years? Why not regularly, like a train? Why not? (Laughter) Had He been here throughout, arriving year-after-year, then all our weaknesses could have been prevented and we would never run away from the path of righteousness -- we’d never run astray. God could control us if He appeared frequently and regularly. It would make His job lighter and easier.” (05.01.2003)


37. “There are so many ages like the Thretha Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. Are they different periods of earth’s evolution, or are they something different?” (05.01.2003)


36. Why man? Why are we here? Why are we created?” (05.01.2003)
35. “What is known about the Golden Age that Swami often talks about? When will it begin?” (05.01.2003)


34. “Why should I have the goal of liberation or Self-realisation? After all, why? What is the harm if I am reborn? What is the harm if I'm to die again? Why not? Then in this birth, I can enjoy life. In liberation, where is the enjoyment because you are one with God?” (05.01.2003)


33. “What is the harm in killing an animal? Because, when you pick a fruit, you’re also killing it. By picking the fruit, the plant becomes handicapped. Doesn’t the plant suffer pain? So, this is pain and that is pain. So, what’s the difference?” (05.01.2003)


32. What is vegetarianism? Is it really eating leaves and tubers, or something more?” (05.01.2003)


31. “Is there any significance behind Rama being sent into exile for fourteen years? Why fourteen years? Why not thirteen? Why not fifteen, why? (Laughter) What is so special about this number?” (05.01.2003)
30. “Are grace and blessings temporary or do they evaporate after a period of time or after certain actions?” 15.12.2002


29. “What is the difference between ‘grace’ and ‘blessings’?”  15.12.2002


28. “Why do we need to say a manthra repeatedly?”  15.12.2002


27. Why do we have to go through this or any life to get Self-realization? Why didn’t we arrive already Self-realized? Have you found anyone who is? Also, once you have blessed something, or asked for something, or chanted a manthra, why do we have to do it over and over again?  15.12.2002



We have many cockroaches moving around our house at night, creating not only a health hazard, but also scaring us out of our wits at times. Can you please advise us how to treat these creatures? How do we treat these invaders with love? (Laughter)  (15.12.2002)

25.  What is the primordial factor that decides one’s gender in this birth? Why are you a man? How can you afford to be a woman? (Laughter) So the question here is what decides the gender in each life. Is it because of our past lives?  (15.12.2002)


24. “What are the steps that I should take to merge in Him?” (08.12.2002)


23. “Can I see Baba in different forms?” (08.12.2002)


22. “I am a teacher of yoga. I know God is One. But do you think all the people I see are false? Do you think it’s all maya, illusion? Do you think they don’t exist? Do you say it is all a dream?” (08.12.2002)



“The husband is very much interested in Baba, but the wife is not. The wife is an obstacle. So, what should the husband do?” He also has given three alternatives: (Laughter) “One -- should he get divorced from his wife? Number two -- should he continue along the spiritual path? Number three -- should he give up the spiritual path? (Laughter) These are the alternatives – maybe it is like a multiple-choice question. (Laughter)  (08.12.2002)

20. “What shall I do to dine with Bhagavan? To sleep in the room very close to His bedroom? (Laughter) To go with Him in His car? To have a peaceful end of life, like His mother and grandfather had? “ (08.12.2002)


19. Karma, is it individual? Are countries also bound by karma?” (08.12.2002)


18. “You said,” (he meant me) “the very Darshan of Bhagavan will clear you of your karma. But I'm still suffering from my karma. Has not my karma been cleared?” (Laughter) (08.12.2002)


17. “What is The Significance Of New Moon And Full Moon?” (08.12.2002)


16. “What Is The Origin Of The Mind?” (08.12.2002)
15. What does Swami have to say about friends and the role they have to play in our life?” (03.11.2002)


14. “Your whole life is a sacrifice, is it true? Does God really want us to be such martyrs?” (03.11.2002)


13. “How is it possible to lose a desire but not shut down the heart?” (03.11.2002)


12. “I still have desires. What to do?”  (03.11.2002)


11. “When does the Atma leave the body? What happens to the Atma after death?”.  (03.11.2002)
10. “In a family situation, if the parent has done wrong, will the child suffer the bad karma, resulting in the death of the child?”  (03.11.2002)


9. “Is it bad karma to change from one religion to the other?” 03.11.2002


8. “Does the Atma have a religion?” 03.11.2002


7. “Why do some children die at a young age?” 03.11.2002


6. “Would Baba come along with me on my morning walk?” 03.11.2002
5. "What Is ‘Bad Company’?" (27.10.2002)


4. "Why Should I Suffer Now From Previous Karma?" (27.10.2002)


3. "Are Baba and Jesus the Same?" (27.10.2002)


2.  Will He Take Care of Us Now? (22.09.2002)


1.  Do We Have Free Will or Not? (22.09.2002)


reproduced for the purpose of seva.



Prof. Anil Kumar talks in diffrent languages