Dear devotees, Sai Ram! According to  SBOI group Today 16th Nov. Swami inaugurated “movable hospitals” or popularly called mobile hospitals these mobile hospitals will be used for helping the villagers/people and where ever they are needed. The mobile hospitals has been on [seva people & Dr’s doing seva] wish list for some time; therefore it is a joyful moment just before Avatars 80th advent that wish is fulfilled. For those who know a bit about India and its villages are familiar with lack of local medical hospitals. Also, latest equipment & medical help is not always accessible where it is needed; for that reason these vans will play a vital and important role for doing medical camps and for providing medical help to the people right where they need. These mobile hospitals are up to date with modern medical equipment.
Also read:
Sai darshan news 16th Nov.part 2

Also read: Sai News 10th Nov  11th Nov   12th Nov.  13th Nov. 14th  15th

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